
Ben Lyon
ADVISOR / Shareholder / Director
Ben is a Silicon Valley veteran and highly experienced executive, General Counsel, Transaction Specialist, Dealmaker and Member/Advisor to senior executive teams and Boards of Directors for Silicon Valley, San Francisco, SoCal and International technology companies spanning Cybersecurity, Nano-tech, AI, Iot, Bio-phama, Fintech, Telecom, SaaS/PaaS, and Mobile technology.
Significant successes include Ingenio (sold to AT&T) and TellMeNetworks (sold to Microsoft).
Ben is a Director of BankVault Pty Ltd but until it becomes a US company he does not act in the capacity of General Counsel.

Whitfield Diffie - Turing Laureate
Advisor / Shareholder
Whit Diffie is a pioneer of public-key cryptography, a former “Sun Fellow” at Sun Microsystems, and a visiting scholar at Stanford University.
In 2015 Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman were awarded the $1M Turing Prize (computing’s Nobel Prize) for the invention of public-key encryption. The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange is the foundation that secures almost all Internet communication. Every device, every browser, has this algorithm embedded natively, facilitating over $4 trillion per day in global transactions.
The discovery is a work of genius. A mathematician by background, Whit’s deep non-intuitive insights discovered a fundamental principle that allows two independent parties to set up a common security-secret in public, and then use this to encrypt their communication across that same public network.

Shira Rubinoff
Shira Rubinoff is a recognized cybersecurity executive, advisor, keynote speaker and influence who has been calculated by analysts to be the top female cybersecurity influencer on social media globally. An expert in the human factors of information technology and security, Ms. Rubinoff was named one of New Jersey’s Best 50 Women in Business, was named by CSO Magazine as a Woman of Influence.

Brett Looney

Neil Richardson
ADVISOR / shareholder
Neil is a specialist developer in telecommunication provisioning systems. He joined BankVault in 2011 and provided the critical influence that enabled the company’s breakthrough in releasing its Rainmaker cloud platform. He was CTO from 2015 – 2022 during which he oversaw technical development and innovation of the BankVault products. Previously, Neil was the Senior Programmer for iiNet, Australia’s 2nd largest ISP, developing the organization’s provisioning systems. He also worked in similar roles within Optus and Telstra.

Richard Maltman

Martijn Hoffmans
Accomplished, innovative, and strategy-driven cyber security professional with over 15 years of pan-European experience in IT cybersecurity developing, hunting and growing sales results. Track record identifying new business opportunities and developing profitable client, channel, and alliance relationships representing a new breed of technical sales men being an avid believer of systems thinking, designing replicable and systematic sales approaches over one off wins.

Patrick Edwards

Steven Tot
ADVISOR / marketing