BankVault represents at Sydney Cyber Security Pitchfest

Last night, BankVault pitched at the Cyber Security Pitchfest this afternoon in at Atlassian’s headquarters in Sydney.

“It was a lot of fun,” said BankVault CEO Graeme Speak. “I met some lovely people and learned a lot about other cyber security innovations who are in various stage of their business growth.”

As there is a need globally to have better cybersecurity, this fantastic event is where startups get 5 minutes to showcase their idea and meet with cyber industry experts to demonstrate and discuss their innovation. At the end of the pitch, the judging panel and crowd will vote on who is their cyber security startup.

Evolving from Startup Week Sydney 2015, Spark Festival is helping to put Sydney back on the map as a world class innovation and entrepreneurship city. Inclusiveness and diversity is one of the key focuses, as well as providing Sydney-based startups the opportunity to promote themselves as well and to encourage people to find out what is going on in their city in terms of technology entrepreneurship. It’s also where people can find collaborators, business partners, and even investors in Sydney.

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