Hackers hit Brisbane retailer Totally Workwear for $76000

Brisbane retailer warns other businesses to be vigilant after being hit with $76,000 cyber crime.

The Brisbane store of safety wear brand Totally Workwear had its accounting system compromised in October last year, but the business only recently found out about the situation after a creditor told them there was a problem with their invoice payment. Article by Smart Company.

“We didn’t find out about it until we got calls from creditors who didn’t get paid,” the store’s director James Hogan tells SmartCompany.

At BankVault we hear about these incidents all too often. Don’t despair you can make a difference.

Start taking tangible actions on cyber security risks and developing your own business banking and payments policy. Start by ensuring you have a secure banking transaction environment with SafeWindow. Use SafeWindow as a quarantine zone, opening attachments to ensure you are not infecting your computer. Don’t transfer funds in response to an email without call & verify procedures.

Changing banking and payment behaviour from thoughtless to thoughtful.

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