Linux Computers World Wide In Jeopardy!

Glibc software vulnerability

A new vulnerability is discovered by attackers in the glibc software that is essentially used by Linux systems.This is serious cause for concern for Linux users and needs attention without delay. Linux computers and systems all over the world are in jeopardy.

With this vulnerability, hackers have the opportunity to listen in and overhear communications that enables them to filch sensitive information such as personal information and online banking details. Regretfully this is not where it ends. It also makes it possible for them to gain access to and control web servers and web domains.

The best and most secure way to deal with this treat is to contact the Linux system vendor where the system was bought. They will be able to provide clients with a patch. It is imminent to ensure that this patch is applied instantaneously. It is established that this vulnerability is not selective at all and are existent on millions of systems the world over. Some government systems, businesses, and even personal computers are all at risk.

What is even more startling is that this vulnerability possibly exists since 2008. This means that it is likely that a range of applications on the systems can be affected as well. A proof of concept code is available to system administrators to establish if their system is in jeopardy.

Although smartphones with an Android operating system runs on Linux based systems, it is somewhat good news to know that the software that involves this vulnerability is not compromised and therefore not affected by it. Fortunately, all computers and systems that are not using Linux are not at risk.

It can not be stressed enough how important it is for Linux users to address this treat as a matter of urgency. BankVault strongly suggests that the required steps as mentioned are taken immediately. Linux users are advised to take a closer look on how BankVault can assist in making sensitive data secure and safe.

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