Mac OS Malware Threats

Mac computers are virus-proof. Right? That’s the common conception and, for a long time it was more true than false. The closed nature of the Apple OS combined with the comparatively small global market share meant Mac users were not primary hacking targets. When compared to Windows users they still are. But,take note: Mac machines are vulnerable to a growing number of new types of malware. In fact, the research arm of Kaspersky security estimates that the # of existing Mac threats has increased 6-fold since 2010.

Macs are also vulnerable to botnets. In early 2012, the Flashfake botnet was discovered. And it was HUGE. At its peak, Flashfake had 700,000 different Macs running under Mac OS X doing its dirty work.

Here are the Top 10 pieces of Mac malware, according to Kaspersky.

Position Name % of Total Attacks
1 Trojan.OSX.FakeCo.a 52%
2 Trojan-Downloader.OSX.Jahlav.d 8%
3 7%
4 Trojan-Downloader.OSX.FavDonw.c 5%
5 Trojan-Downloader.OSX.FavDonw.a 2%
6 Trojan-Downloader.OSX.Flashfake.ab 2%
7 Trojan-FakeAV.OSX.Defma.gen 2%
8 Trojan-FakeAV.OSX.Defma.f 1%
9 Exploit.OSX.Smid.b 1%
10 1%

If you’re a Mac user, the best way to protect yourself against malware is to be current, active and aware of all of the social engineering techniques used to gain access to computers. Be vigilant.

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