Become a Partner
We must work together to fight cybercrime!
We believe strategic partnerships are critical if we are to achieve our mission to protect global citizens online by offering a 24/7 service that allows every online transaction to be secure, anonymous and untraceable. We have the technology to help win the fight against cybercrime by stopping Bank Account Takeovers and delivering secure online cloud transactions.
Our partners
Industry and member Associations
We are proud to be working with industry associations and networks to help educate their members on the risks of cybercrime and how to become more cyber resilient.
IT Resellers
IT providers for small to medium businesses can now offer their clients absolute business banking security and immunity from the multiple cyber threats such as malware and keyloggers with BankVault. BankVault delivers a vital security layer to bypass the risk of Bank Account Takeovers. We are seeking partners across Australia and internationally.
Cloud Application providers
As consumers and small businesses embrace the convenience of the cloud, BankVault SafeWindow provides an immediate and affordable upgrade to achieve a sophisticated level of security with immunity from cyberthreats such as malware and keyloggers.
Become a BankVault partner today!
It’s time for global citizens to get serious about upgrading their security.