How Viruses Hide: Self-Modification
Viruses, like Woody Allen in ‘Zelig’ have the ability to change their identity and look and feel. One method of doing this is called ‘Self-Modification.’
Viruses, like Woody Allen in ‘Zelig’ have the ability to change their identity and look and feel. One method of doing this is called ‘Self-Modification.’
The billion (actually multi-billion) dollar question that dogs the anti-virus industry day-to-day is: “How are viruses hiding themselves on compromised machines and how can we
The Android platform is the world’s most widely-used smartphone operating system. Seventy percent of the world’s smartphones run on Android, so it’s no big surprise
A DDoS attack is the shortened form of a Distributed Denial of Service attack. Also known as a Distributed Network Attack, DDoS attacks exploit the
There’s a saying, ‘Guns don’t kill people, people do.’ So it is with riskware. ‘Riskware doesn’t hack people, people do.’ Riskware is the name given
Pornware, as you have likely already surmised, is the name of a class of programs that find, download and display pornographic material on a device.
What is AdWare The term adware is used to describe programs that personalize and display advertisements on your computer via your web browser an through
American pop artist Andy Warhol famously said, ‘In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.’ He never knew that his words would be
Pharming is a derivation of the hacking technique of host file redirection. It is targeted at a broad swath of potential victims. (Think phishing +
Scareware is malware that frightens users into downloading software that appears to be legitimate but is actually malware. It usually takes the form of a
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